e-commerce Magazin is a magazine for anyone who wants to participate in e-commerce. This means that you want to trade goods, services and products on the internet: it covers the entire chain of selecting, offering, searching, purchasing, selling and paying. The editors of e-commerce Magazin see their job in being intermediaries between suppliers and market and reports independently, competently and critically about the latest trends, strategies, and applications of e-commerce solutions in a local, national and global context. Important aspects are the cost and profit orientation on the background of the current market environment. Technology topics on e-commerce Magazin treated understandably on an economically strategic level and serve to enable communication and understanding between the IT department, whether it is situated internally or externally, and business decision makers in a company. e-commerce Magazin is a modern magazine offering practical usefulness for entrepreneurs and businesses. The contribution of e-commerce Magazin aims to be analysing market trends and assist the reader by means of the clear presentation of complex issues and practical application examples. Industries. e-commerce Magazin reports independent of industry, however there are key industries, such as the mail-order business, which are often in the vanguard of the technical development. Yet today, almost every company has a web site to inform prospects and customers about its products and services. Usually it's only a small step to its own web store, whether to sell goods and service, or offer a consumer portal Target group: e-commerce Magazin is aimed at decision makers and strategists in sales, marketing, advertising and communications. In addition, e-commerce Magazin is also aimed at advisers and consultants who advise their SME clients in all matters relating to advertising, buying and selling on the internet as well as to market researchers, universities, associations, organizations, and government administration.